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1st EASD Early Career Academy Meeting

Shaping the Future of Diabetes Research and Care +++ 28 - 30 April 2025 in Pisa, Italy

The first EASD Early Career Academy Meeting will take place from 28 - 30 April 2025 at Sant’Anna School in Pisa, Italy. It provides a unique opportunity for young researchers to learn from leading scientists in the field of diabetes, network with fellow peers and advance their careers.

The 3-day programme will feature interactive lectures, small-group workshops, open discussions, and hands-on training. It is designed to showcase cutting-edge research, spark dialogue on pressing issues in diabetes, and foster collaboration and innovation in the field.

A detailed programme will be available in due course.

Are you a young researcher looking for a unique learning and networking experience with distinguished experts and emerging leaders in the field of diabetes?

Apply now and submit an abstract for the first EASD Early Career Academy Meeting from 28 - 30 April 2025 in Pisa, Italy!

Criteria and eligibility for the meeting

Applications are welcomed from both basic and clinical researchers who are at an early stage of their career. Applicants must be members of EASD and have received their medical degree not more than 7 years before 1 January 2025 (extensions applicable for documented parental leaves and career breaks).

Participants must attend in person, be present during all sessions and be fluent in English. Before applying ensure that you have the necessary documents to travel, if selected (visa and a valid passport).

Cost of the meeting

The registration fee for the meeting, accommodation (in double rooms for the participants) and most meals are covered by EASD and supporters.

Participants should organise their own travel. A limited number of travel grants will be available for eligible participants. Priority will be given on an individual basis to participants from underrepresented countries or with limited economic resources. Participants may alternatively seek for travel funding from their home institutions.

Application procedure

Interested candidates should submit their application online via MyEASD before the deadline on 31 January 2025

For potential queries, you can contact the EASD Early Career Academy at:

The application must include the following:

  • A short biosketch (max 250 words) including details of education, academic and/or clinical career to date.
  • A motivation letter (max 150 words) outlining why you would like to attend the Early Career Academy Meeting and what you are hoping to gain from attending?

Additionally, you may add the following:

  • A brief justification why you are eligible for a travel grant.
  • An abstract to be published in the meeting booklet (max 250 words). Best abstracts will be presented at the meeting and selected for a best abstract award. In addition, best abstarct awardees will receive a travel grant.

All information will be treated confidentially and only shared with the Review Committee who will then decide on the selection.

The EASD Early Career Academy Meeting serves as an innovative platform for educational exchange and networking, bringing together renowned experts and emerging investigators who are actively engaged in basic and clinical research in the field of diabetes.