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Global EASD Council

The European Association for the Study of Diabetes is excited to announce the launch of the Global EASD Council!

This initiative is meant to expand the EASD’s mission to promote excellent research on diabetes and translate research findings into clinical practice worldwide by involving members in Europe and from all over the world and broadening the relations with other diabetes scientific communities and organisations.

The Global EASD Council is chaired by Francesco Giorgino, the EASD Senior Vice President, and includes 10 - 12 members selected by the EASD Board.


The Global EASD Council will:

Tightly cooperate with the EASD Board in raising awareness of initiatives on diabetes and related metabolic diseases that are of interest at a global level.

Advise on specific activities with a global focus, including specific needs in different geographical areas.

Promote the communication between the EASD Board and governances of national and/or regional organisations and stakeholders.

We invite you to join this new significant initiative of the EASD!

As a member of the Global EASD Council, you can help to influence global diabetes care and diabetes research. You can be part of the creation of new ideas and projects within the global diabetes community.

Please submit your application by 22 May 2024.

EASD members who are interested in this initiative are invited to propose their candidacy by email ( to the EASD Office. The Global EASD Council welcomes both members with clinical and basic science background and those from diverse geographical areas. Interested EASD members will have to include their CV (in EU format) and a formal letter of endorsement from the local diabetes scientific society.

The EASD Board will then proceed to select the Global EASD Council members by considering diversity and multiple criteria, including clinical or basic research experience in diabetes and related metabolic disorders, knowledge of global diabetes challenges and diabetes-related regulations and policies, experience of having served as a member of other national/international committees, independence and professional integrity, leadership and networking skills, and commitment to the overall mission of the EASD on a global scale.