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11th East-West Forum on the occasion of the 66th Annual Meeting of the Japan Diabetes Society

13 May 2021, 08:30 - 11:00 in Kagoshima, Japan

Use of Diabetes Self-Management Technologies: Similarities and differences between East and West

Chairs: Akira Shimada, Japan and Hood Thabit, UK

Tomoyuki Kawamura, Japan: The advanced technology of Insulin Pump/CGM/Available devices in Japan

Hood Thabit, UK: Description of our technology - Insulin Pump/CGM/Apps/Closed-loop systems

Katerina Braune, Germany: WeAreNotWaiting: Open-Source Automated Insulin Delivery

Kayo Waki, Japan: Effectiveness of DialBetesPlus, a self-management support system for diabetic kidney disease

Discussion: All speakers

Hood Thabit, UK: Conclusion


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