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Tsvetalina Tankova

Tsvetalina Tankova, MD, DMedSc is Professor of Endocrinology and Head of the Department of Diabetology at the University Hospital of Endocrinology in Sofia as well as Chair in Endocrinology at the Faculty of Medicine, and Vice Rector on International Integration and Project Funding, Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria.

She graduated from the Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, where she undertook postgraduate studies and obtained specialty in Internal Medicine and in Endocrinology. She has Master’s degree of Public Health and Healthcare Management. She has specialized at WHO Collaborating Center, University Hospital, Geneva; Switzerland; King's College Hospital, London, Oxford, Cambridge, UK; Steno Diabetes Center, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Professor Tankova is author of over 240 articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals; over 460 presentations at national and international congresses and symposia. She has been an invited speaker at EASD postgraduate training courses in many countries and is a member of many societies and associations. She is Honorary Secretary of the Diabetes Education Study Group and, since 2003, Secretary of the Bulgarian Society of Endocrinology since.

She serves as Editorial Board member and reviewer at a number of national and international journals in the field of diabetes and metabolism. She is Chair of the Expert Committee on Endocrinology at the Bulgarian Ministry of Health. Her main research interests are in the field of prediabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, glucose variability, prevention and complications of diabetes.